Lettuce - Little Gem

Picture of Lettuce - Little Gem

Country of Origin: UK (grown in West Malling, Kent)
                             Spain/Holland (when out of season)

Nutritional Information: All lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and vitamin K, it is very good for dieters, because it is very low in calories. Lettuce is a good source of iron which is the most active element in the body; therefore it must be replenished frequently to meet any sudden demand of the body such as the rapid formation of red blood cells in heavy loss of blood. Lettuce's magnesium content has exceptional vitalizing powers especially in the muscle tissue, the brain and nerves. The juice of lettuce, combined with carrot and spinach juice, is very helpful for maintaining the normal colour of the hair.
Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a natural sleep inducing substance. It may contribute to a healthy well-being in the treatment or the following problems: acid indigestion, anaemia, arthritis, catarrh, circulatory problems, colitis, constipation, cough, diabetes, gastritis, gout, insomnia, irritable bowel, obesity, stress, tuberculosis, ulcers and urinary tract diseases.


Lettuce - Little Gem
Picture of Lettuce - Little Gem
Click image for more details

Country of Origin: UK (grown in West Malling, Kent)
                             Spain/Holland (when out of season)

Nutritional Information: All lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and vitamin K, it is very good for dieters, because it is very low in calories. Lettuce is a good source of iron which is the most active element in the body; therefore it must be replenished frequently to meet any sudden demand of the body such as the rapid formation of red blood cells in heavy loss of blood. Lettuce's magnesium content has exceptional vitalizing powers especially in the muscle tissue, the brain and nerves. The juice of lettuce, combined with carrot and spinach juice, is very helpful for maintaining the normal colour of the hair.
Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a natural sleep inducing substance. It may contribute to a healthy well-being in the treatment or the following problems: acid indigestion, anaemia, arthritis, catarrh, circulatory problems, colitis, constipation, cough, diabetes, gastritis, gout, insomnia, irritable bowel, obesity, stress, tuberculosis, ulcers and urinary tract diseases.


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