
Picture of Celery

Country of Origin: UK 
                                Spain (when out of season)

Nutritional Information: There are many health benefits of celery as it contains so many essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are essential to our health, well-being and lifestyle. The nutrition of celery can benefit our health by providing the body with energy and strengthening the immune system. It is very cleansing and helps the body to detoxify. It can help to prevent cancer and reduce blood pressure.  The celery nutrients can help to quickly replace those essential nutrients that are lost through exercise and sports, therefore, providing almost instant health benefits. Celery juice in particular is very healthy and it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Celery also has anti-inflammatory properties which means that its an excellent for for anybody suffering with painful joints, gout, rheumatism or injuries.

There is a lot of nutrition in celery and in fact the nutritional value of celery is very high and only three celery sticks need to be eaten to make up one of our recommended five a day portions. Celery contains many different vitamins including a range of B vitamins - vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. Celery is also a good source of vitamin C, E and K. There are many benefits to be gained as it also provides nutrients including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc and fibre.



Picture of Celery
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Country of Origin: UK 
                                Spain (when out of season)

Nutritional Information: There are many health benefits of celery as it contains so many essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are essential to our health, well-being and lifestyle. The nutrition of celery can benefit our health by providing the body with energy and strengthening the immune system. It is very cleansing and helps the body to detoxify. It can help to prevent cancer and reduce blood pressure.  The celery nutrients can help to quickly replace those essential nutrients that are lost through exercise and sports, therefore, providing almost instant health benefits. Celery juice in particular is very healthy and it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Celery also has anti-inflammatory properties which means that its an excellent for for anybody suffering with painful joints, gout, rheumatism or injuries.

There is a lot of nutrition in celery and in fact the nutritional value of celery is very high and only three celery sticks need to be eaten to make up one of our recommended five a day portions. Celery contains many different vitamins including a range of B vitamins - vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. Celery is also a good source of vitamin C, E and K. There are many benefits to be gained as it also provides nutrients including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc and fibre.



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