
Picture of Cashews

An ideal ingredient for most stir-fry dishes, cashew nuts are also used in desserts and cakes.

This product is Vegan.

For allergens, see ingredients highlighted in bold and underlined in the ingredients list.

Possible cross contamination
The following potential allergens may have come in contact with this product in transport, packing or production:
Gluten, Wheat, Peanuts, Soya, Milk, Sesame, Sulphur dioxide

Picture of Cashews
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An ideal ingredient for most stir-fry dishes, cashew nuts are also used in desserts and cakes.

This product is Vegan.

For allergens, see ingredients highlighted in bold and underlined in the ingredients list.

Possible cross contamination
The following potential allergens may have come in contact with this product in transport, packing or production:
Gluten, Wheat, Peanuts, Soya, Milk, Sesame, Sulphur dioxide

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