
Picture of Avocado

Country of Origin: various

Season: All year round

Additional Info: Avocado or Alligator pear are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. They have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Not just for guacamole, sliced avocados lend a buttery texture and delicious flavour to sandwiches and salads. But the health benefits of avocados are stellar, especially with the lipid content that allows your body to absorb nutrients they wouldn't otherwise.


Picture of Avocado
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Country of Origin: various

Season: All year round

Additional Info: Avocado or Alligator pear are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. They have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Not just for guacamole, sliced avocados lend a buttery texture and delicious flavour to sandwiches and salads. But the health benefits of avocados are stellar, especially with the lipid content that allows your body to absorb nutrients they wouldn't otherwise.


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