Stanhill Farm News!

Stanhill Farm asparagus is now available, priced at £12.00 per kilo (loose) or £2.50 per 250g (bundle). Nutritionally, asparagus is packed full of goodness, so not only are you getting a delicious vegetable but a healthy one too! Eating asparagus promotes healthy bacteria in the large intestine and can help reduce bloating. It contains vitamin K, essential for healthy blood clotting and is a rich source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Asparagus is a mild diuretic and is believed to help detoxify the body.

We have received a few enquiries asking if our Pick Your Own is open. We usually open for strawberries around the beginning of June, but this all depends on the weather. Please keep an eye out for updates closer to the time on the Pick Your Own page of our website, or our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages. 

Stanhill Farm rhubarb is now available, priced at £5.00 per kilo. Packed with plenty of nutrients, including vitamin C and fibre. We do love a delicious rhubarb crumble, topped with hot custard!

Jersey Royal potatoes are also now available, however, as it is still very early in the season the price is currently high at £8.50 per kilo. This price will come down as the season goes on and more become available. The start of Jersey Royals is always a good sign as it indicates that the weather is improving!

We are still sourcing Cameo apples from Roughway Farm, Tonbridge. Braeburn, Bramley and Gala are still English but are being sourced from the wholesale market.

We are currently harvesting asparagus, parsnips, leeks, kale and rhubarb. Fresh from the fields, zero food miles and no plastic!
All of the above are available to buy from both our Farm Shop and Click & Collect Service. Subject to availability.